Alokaziya attributed to the beautiful decorative foliage plants for the exotic beauty of unusually colored leaves. In folk medicine, Alokaziya called " shamrock " . In
a culture grown only a few species of Alocasia found in nature 70
species distributed in tropical regions of Southeast Asia, where they
are used as ornamental and medicinal plants.
Alocasia , arum (Alocasia, Arum) - evergreen herbaceous plant with thick rhizomes , large green or brightly colored oval- heart-shaped , arrow-shaped leaves on long juicy stalks. In some species Alokaziya developed stem covered with scars - traces of dead leaves (young plant stem shortened ) on top of the stem is located a few large dense leaves with thick veins.
Most often in indoor gardening grow Alokaziya krupnokornevuyu (A. macrorhiza) and odorous Alokaziya (A. odora) with green leaves and beautiful variegated species ( Alocasia Lowe (A. lowii), Alokaziya Sander (A. sanderiana), copper- Alokaziya red (A. cuprea)) and their hybrids . Alocasia with green leaves can reach a height of several meters and are recommended as kadochnye plants for large light rooms , the rooms can be grown only young plants . Variegated Alocasia species with different configuration and color of leaves more spectacular and smaller , suitable for growing in the apartment. Before the rain and the wet weather at the top of the list are the Alokaziya droplets of water , this plant - barometer. Sometimes Alokaziya blooms in the indoor environment , throwing inflorescence spadix covered with a " veil ."
Alokaziya - a relatively undemanding warm-and water-loving plant, growing well in the bright (but not in the sun ) and the half-shaded , draft-free place , while ensuring high levels of humidity . From lack of light leaves Alokaziya fade . If the air is dry , Alocasia grows poorly or completely stopped in development, it is attacked by pests ( spider mites , mealy bug ) .
During the period of active growth Alokaziya requires a temperature of 22-26 degrees and abundant watering with lukewarm water and mild ezheutrennee spraying . However, moisture loving Alokaziya not tolerate standing water in the substrate - between watering to give the soil dry out a bit . In winter, reduce watering and contain Alokaziya at a temperature of 18-20 degrees (they pass the winter dormant period ) , sprayed in a day. Contents at a lower temperature and excessive watering cause Alokaziya rhizome rot .
Transplanted and rolled over Alokaziya usually in early spring (young Alokaziya - every year , adults - every 2 years). Friable, easily leaky substrate for Alokaziya prepared from a mixture of leaf , peat , sand , shredded sphagnum in proportion ( 2:1:1:0,5 ) with the addition of charcoal. When planting in heavy soil and stagnant water in the soil at Alokaziya develop root rot . From March to August Alokaziya podkarmivayut twice a month , making a very low concentration of fertilizer .
Alokaziya propagated rootstocks , dividing rhizomes, stem pieces ( slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal ) thrive in the spring. Separated from the base of the trunk adult Alokaziya " baby " is becoming well established in a pot with moist sphagnum moss , a "mini - teplichke " and you can Alokaziya rooting in moist sand (a mixture of peat soil and sand ) with bottom heating.
When propagating and caring for Alokaziya need to remember that it is poisonous juice : Contains skin irritant substances and even prussic acid. In folk medicine, Alocasia is used to treat a variety of tumors, skin diseases , itching from insect bites . Connoisseurs of Chinese medicine treat Alokaziya pain in the stomach and intestine, cholera and toothache. Siberian healers used Alokaziya osteohondroznyh to treat pain , pneumonia and tuberculosis.
Alocasia , arum (Alocasia, Arum) - evergreen herbaceous plant with thick rhizomes , large green or brightly colored oval- heart-shaped , arrow-shaped leaves on long juicy stalks. In some species Alokaziya developed stem covered with scars - traces of dead leaves (young plant stem shortened ) on top of the stem is located a few large dense leaves with thick veins.
Most often in indoor gardening grow Alokaziya krupnokornevuyu (A. macrorhiza) and odorous Alokaziya (A. odora) with green leaves and beautiful variegated species ( Alocasia Lowe (A. lowii), Alokaziya Sander (A. sanderiana), copper- Alokaziya red (A. cuprea)) and their hybrids . Alocasia with green leaves can reach a height of several meters and are recommended as kadochnye plants for large light rooms , the rooms can be grown only young plants . Variegated Alocasia species with different configuration and color of leaves more spectacular and smaller , suitable for growing in the apartment. Before the rain and the wet weather at the top of the list are the Alokaziya droplets of water , this plant - barometer. Sometimes Alokaziya blooms in the indoor environment , throwing inflorescence spadix covered with a " veil ."
Alokaziya - a relatively undemanding warm-and water-loving plant, growing well in the bright (but not in the sun ) and the half-shaded , draft-free place , while ensuring high levels of humidity . From lack of light leaves Alokaziya fade . If the air is dry , Alocasia grows poorly or completely stopped in development, it is attacked by pests ( spider mites , mealy bug ) .
During the period of active growth Alokaziya requires a temperature of 22-26 degrees and abundant watering with lukewarm water and mild ezheutrennee spraying . However, moisture loving Alokaziya not tolerate standing water in the substrate - between watering to give the soil dry out a bit . In winter, reduce watering and contain Alokaziya at a temperature of 18-20 degrees (they pass the winter dormant period ) , sprayed in a day. Contents at a lower temperature and excessive watering cause Alokaziya rhizome rot .
Transplanted and rolled over Alokaziya usually in early spring (young Alokaziya - every year , adults - every 2 years). Friable, easily leaky substrate for Alokaziya prepared from a mixture of leaf , peat , sand , shredded sphagnum in proportion ( 2:1:1:0,5 ) with the addition of charcoal. When planting in heavy soil and stagnant water in the soil at Alokaziya develop root rot . From March to August Alokaziya podkarmivayut twice a month , making a very low concentration of fertilizer .
Alokaziya propagated rootstocks , dividing rhizomes, stem pieces ( slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal ) thrive in the spring. Separated from the base of the trunk adult Alokaziya " baby " is becoming well established in a pot with moist sphagnum moss , a "mini - teplichke " and you can Alokaziya rooting in moist sand (a mixture of peat soil and sand ) with bottom heating.
When propagating and caring for Alokaziya need to remember that it is poisonous juice : Contains skin irritant substances and even prussic acid. In folk medicine, Alocasia is used to treat a variety of tumors, skin diseases , itching from insect bites . Connoisseurs of Chinese medicine treat Alokaziya pain in the stomach and intestine, cholera and toothache. Siberian healers used Alokaziya osteohondroznyh to treat pain , pneumonia and tuberculosis.
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