понедельник, 16 сентября 2013 г.


Albitius Lankaran , or Lankaran acacia, or Albitius silk (Albizia julibrissin) belongs to the legume family and is a large deciduous tree up to 10-12 meters. He spreading umbrella-like crown, as some species of tropical acacias. Albitius delicate leaves , dissected into numerous small lobes. According to some scholars , the birthplace of this plant - Lankaran ( which is reflected in the title of a tree) , but it is spread much wider - from the Caucasus to certain areas of Central Asia. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus are also feral Albitius , but they came from self-sown trees imported here .
Lankaran acacia - a plant of dry warm climate . I'm not known for its hardiness , but even in the coldest winter for our conditions ( with frosts down to -10 degrees ) Lankaran acacia trees are not damaged . However , in recent years Albitius become much less durable than before. In some places in the city are still preserved trees with a trunk diameter at the base of up to 70-80 cm, and lately they rarely reach half-meter diameter and dry . Apparently this is due to climate change. According to a local legend , earlier in our area in the summer was much drier and warmer , which is apparently more like this acacia .
Albitius light-requiring , it can not grow in the shade of other trees.
Lankaran acacia blossoms late, in the middle of May, when nearly all the trees have blossomed . Its abundant flowering and long - begins in mid-June and lasts until September or October , depending on weather. In autumn it is very long keeps the leaves (sometimes until the end of November) , the worth of a few trees in our climate. Albitius until the last moment remain green , and at one time can only destroy frost or strong winds .
Propagated Lankaran acacia seeds, cuttings , root shoots . Apparently , it must also reproduce and grafting , but I did not read that someone Albitius reproduce in this way, and he did not do .
Albitius seeds need stratification . In the literature are advised to carry a "hot" stratification : The seeds are soaked for 5-6 hours in hot water ( 60C ) , and then seeded . I apply the usual " cold" stratification , which are the seeds of our winter directly in the ground. When autumn sowing seed germination in the spring is about 80 %, and individual seeds can ascend through the year. In the first year Albitius seedlings grow slowly and rarely fall to reach a height of 20 cm feed up to them this time, I do not recommend - you may burn the roots of young plants. In addition, an excess of nitrogen fertilizer is delayed growing season of plants and timber seedlings may be difficult to ripen for the winter. Then in the case of severe frosts such plants might suffer or even die . Albitius fertilizing seedlings can be started from the second year of life , gradually increasing the dosage.
Vegetative propagation Albitius used more often. Some trees produce root shoots , which can be separated and plant out when the plants are dormant .
Cuttings Lankaran acacia satisfactorily , and you can use as a lignified and green cuttings .
Woody cuttings are cut with a yearly growth of last year. Take cuttings with 2-3 buds from the middle of the shoot, handle their rooting stimulants and put a permanent place in a loose fertile soil. After 3-4 months of rooting usually occurs at 70-80 %Green cuttings Albitius apply in July. Cuttings are also taken from the middle of escaping with a 2-3 buds , too, is treated with stimulants rooting , but 2/3 of the leaf blade is removed . Closely monitoring the moisture content of the soil, and usually by the fall in the 70-80% of rooted cuttings .


Alokaziya attributed to the beautiful decorative foliage plants for the exotic beauty of unusually colored leaves. In folk medicine, Alokaziya called " shamrock " . In a culture grown only a few species of Alocasia found in nature 70 species distributed in tropical regions of Southeast Asia, where they are used as ornamental and medicinal plants.
Alocasia , arum (Alocasia, Arum) - evergreen herbaceous plant with thick rhizomes , large green or brightly colored oval- heart-shaped , arrow-shaped leaves on long juicy stalks. In some species Alokaziya developed stem covered with scars - traces of dead leaves (young plant stem shortened ) on top of the stem is located a few large dense leaves with thick veins.
Most often in indoor gardening grow Alokaziya krupnokornevuyu (A. macrorhiza) and odorous Alokaziya (A. odora) with green leaves and beautiful variegated species ( Alocasia Lowe (A. lowii), Alokaziya Sander (A. sanderiana), copper- Alokaziya red (A. cuprea)) and their hybrids . Alocasia with green leaves can reach a height of several meters and are recommended as kadochnye plants for large light rooms , the rooms can be grown only young plants . Variegated Alocasia species with different configuration and color of leaves more spectacular and smaller , suitable for growing in the apartment. Before the rain and the wet weather at the top of the list are the Alokaziya droplets of water , this plant - barometer. Sometimes Alokaziya blooms in the indoor environment , throwing inflorescence spadix covered with a " veil ."
Alokaziya - a relatively undemanding warm-and water-loving plant, growing well in the bright (but not in the sun ) and the half-shaded , draft-free place , while ensuring high levels of humidity . From lack of light leaves Alokaziya fade . If the air is dry , Alocasia grows poorly or completely stopped in development, it is attacked by pests ( spider mites , mealy bug ) .
During the period of active growth Alokaziya requires a temperature of 22-26 degrees and abundant watering with lukewarm water and mild ezheutrennee spraying . However, moisture loving Alokaziya not tolerate standing water in the substrate - between watering to give the soil dry out a bit . In winter, reduce watering and contain Alokaziya at a temperature of 18-20 degrees (they pass the winter dormant period ) , sprayed in a day. Contents at a lower temperature and excessive watering cause Alokaziya rhizome rot .
Transplanted and rolled over Alokaziya usually in early spring (young Alokaziya - every year , adults - every 2 years). Friable, easily leaky substrate for Alokaziya prepared from a mixture of leaf , peat , sand , shredded sphagnum in proportion ( 2:1:1:0,5 ) with the addition of charcoal. When planting in heavy soil and stagnant water in the soil at Alokaziya develop root rot . From March to August Alokaziya podkarmivayut twice a month , making a very low concentration of fertilizer .
Alokaziya propagated rootstocks , dividing rhizomes, stem pieces ( slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal ) thrive in the spring. Separated from the base of the trunk adult Alokaziya " baby " is becoming well established in a pot with moist sphagnum moss , a "mini - teplichke " and you can Alokaziya rooting in moist sand (a mixture of peat soil and sand ) with bottom heating.
When propagating and caring for Alokaziya need to remember that it is poisonous juice : Contains skin irritant substances and even prussic acid. In folk medicine, Alocasia is used to treat a variety of tumors, skin diseases , itching from insect bites . Connoisseurs of Chinese medicine treat Alokaziya pain in the stomach and intestine, cholera and toothache. Siberian healers used Alokaziya osteohondroznyh to treat pain , pneumonia and tuberculosis.


Walking one day at the flower shop , I saw a little miracle - maidenhair fern . If we consider that the window was early spring, which did not please the warm and sunny weather , it would not just to touch this flower , and dissolve in his mysterious pale green leaves. At the time it seemed to me that he even has a special smell - the smell of the forest after a summer rain . Of course, I could not resist and bought this beauty.Having settled in his house maidenhair , I wanted to know everything about him.
Among other colors , he seemed a mysterious and a little fabulous , because ferns - this is a very ancient plants . In today's world there are about 300 genera and more than 10,000 of their species . Ferns inhabit all continents except Antarctica. Places where you can find varieties of ferns , very different - from the surface of the water of the rivers of tropical heat to the seared bare rocks . Even the ferns differ dramatically - some of them have a length of only a few millimeters , others grow up to 25 meters in height and have a diameter of up to half barrel .
Ferns once used for food , making bread from their roots and adding a fern in the food raw. Residents of Albion made ​​from fern rooftops. Ash leaves of bracken - a source of potassium.Perhaps the mystery of these plants is also associated with the legends that envelop them even from the distant past , when our ancestors were much closer to nature and considered ferns growing in the woods , mysterious plants. That only is the legend of the Sorcerer , mysterious fern flower that blooms only in the night of Ivan Kupala and fulfills the desires of those who found him , or traditions , which stipulate that among the ferns fairies live .
World ferns diverse, but we are generally familiar only with those of their species that can grow in our apartments ( they are residents of tropical rain forests , where at least a little survived the climatic conditions of the past) , as well as with the ferns , which can be found in our forests .
As representatives of the maidenhair fern - one of the most beautiful and the most common ornamental plants. The genus name comes from the Greek "adiant" (" a" - " no ", "diant" - " wet " ) . The surface of the leaf maidenhair has hydrophobic properties: the water droplets run off the leaves, without wetting them . More maidenhair called " lady's ( girl's ) hair" because of the black thin stems, which laced soft green blanket spread out small leaves, called fronds . On the underside of the leaf can be seen maidenhair sori (brown spots) - this is the spore-bearing zone. Fern has a horizontally creeping rhizome brownish -black .
In the decorative floriculture common :- Adiantum capillus-veneris - one of the best known species, the classic " hair lady " , and his light-green foliage is available on the black flexible petioles up to 30 cm- Adiantum polifilum - it is the largest species with large roots and stems, about a meter long , and its stalks are covered with black hard contiguous leaves.- Adiantum raddiantum has blackish stems with numerous light - green leaves , there are many varieties of fern.
Maidenhair do not like bright sunlight , it is best to place them on the western or eastern windows . They need to be protected from direct sunlight , prefer partial shade. These ferns do not tolerate drafts and sudden cold air. Feel bad maidenhair in dusty , smoke- soaked areas.
The optimum temperature for the maidenhair - 15-20 degrees (in the period of growth of assets - 20 degrees in the dormant period - 15 degrees). At higher temperature, the content of maidenhair leaves become pale , yellow, dry and break .
Watering and humidity
Watering is an important component in the development of the plant. Water for irrigation maidenhair should be soft, lime. You can use rainwater for irrigation . The roots of maidenhair should never dry out , but the excess water is fatal to these plants. In winter, water maidenhair be less frequent, but avoid drying earthen coma . In addition, the plant should be placed away from radiators, cookers - dry air is harmful to maidenhair . Therefore the humidity around the flower should be increased , especially in the summer. Spray maidenhair to two times a day - it will increase the humidity of the air , and help contain fern clean.
In the summer of maidenhair should be fed with liquid fertilizer every two weeks.
Ferns are transplanted in the spring, when the pot becomes too cramped, because they grow well in pots cramped . Soil mixture is composed of two parts peat and part of leaf , added to the looseness of the sand . Can be added to the substrate slightly crushed charcoal and fertilizers containing calcium. The soil at the roots of maidenhair should be loose .
In the spring of old plants can sit down , neatly dividing the hands overgrown roots maidenhair , and with them the aerial parts . Before the division should be given to whom earthen well to dry up, so as not to harm the roots. Root collar maidenhair can not bury that can lead to rotting of young wai . There is another method of reproduction fern - disputes, but this process is very time consuming .
Hazards and control measures
Maidenhair - very delicate plants , so the adverse conditions ( lack of moisture, dry air, moist or damp , poor ventilation , low or high temperature content) can cause their death.Drying of the tips of the leaves of maidenhair comes from the exposure draft , the flow of warm, dry air in the vicinity of heating appliances .If maidenhair is in direct sunlight , then the leaves are dry , pale , brittle, so the plant should be pritenyat . The same characteristics are observed in low feeding fern.Leaf yellowing occurs in maidenhair with little watering and stagnant air , if the room is not ventilated.
When too abundant irrigation maidenhair leaves become dull and listless , as if still cold , these conditions can lead to rotting of the roots of ferns.If some of the leaves wither maidenhair or damaged a bush , do not rush to throw it away : Cut the dry leaves , water the substrate - after a while the plants will have new leaves .The leaves of ferns are different from other plants special chemical composition , so the pests they are rare. Sometimes on Maidenhair fern aphid attacks , it settles on the bottom of the wai . As a result, the leaves first turn yellow, then turn brown and fall off. To control aphids use a soap solution , in severe cases treated aktellikom . Brown beetle is also sometimes pollutes the lower surface of the leaves ; can remove it with a brush moistened with alcohol . Just do not confuse the scale insects with spores that are always arranged in regular rows.
To prevent pests from time to time you can spray maidenhair tobacco water.


Agapantuc (Agapantus), or " African lily " refers to the lily family and originates from South Africa. The complex plant name " agapanthus " is composed of two Greek words : "agape" (" Love" ) and "anthos" (" Flower" ) .The long-term evergreen agapanthus has a thick rhizome with fleshy roots and develops dense basal rosette of long (up to 70 cm) narrow (2 to 5 cm) remnevidnyh leaves. Beautiful rosette of leaves reach a height of 70 cm, they are very attractive , so often grown agapanthus and valued as kadochnoe plant , effectively , and without looking flowering.
From July to late autumn over rosettes of smooth dark green leaves appear high agapanthus bare stalks , which are placed at the ends of large ( diameter 20 cm) ball-shaped umbrella with funnel-shaped flowers of the inflorescence . Height peduncle usually 60-100 cm, under favorable conditions, up to 1.5 meters. Each inflorescence developed , powerful plants can form up to 150 flowers about 5 cm long : Sky blue, white or cream-colored , cut florets Agapanthus remain in the water for about two weeks. Ripening on the plant for a month and a half after flowering flat winged seeds ( black or brown ) are enclosed in a box .
There are numerous garden hybrids and forms an umbrella Agapanthus (A. umbellatus), Agapanthus African (A. africanus), less large agapanthus campanulate (A. campanulatus). Bell- agapanthus is considered the best for growing under adverse conditions; variety Isis with large lavender flowers , variety Albus - with white flowers , variety Variegatus - undersized with white stripes on the leaves.Agapanthus can be cultivated in the closed and open field , and in the warmer months, a container with a plant it is desirable to make the garden. When grown in the open ground agapanthus is more compact , and many-flowered inflorescence , longer and stronger stalks , more spreading rosette of leaves .
Agapanthus quite unpretentious , in the summer he needs in a warm light content. For him, preferably neutral or slightly alkaline soil fertilized with sufficient organic content in a protected sunny position. Agapanthus zharostoek drought resistant and does not require spraying. However, regular abundant irrigation during drought it is developing more actively , not losing elegant and decorative flowers . It is durable, can grow in one place in the garden to 7 years.Outdoors agapanthus successfully overwinter only in warm regions , provided the shelter for the winter a layer of sand or sawdust (about 15 cm) and spruce branches . In the colder regions of agapanthus dug in autumn garden , trying not to damage the fleshy roots, and stored until spring to plant cool .
Grown indoors agapanthus virtually no rest . The plant is planted in a container with good drainage in winter contain in the cool (6-12 degrees, no higher than 15 degrees) , occasionally slightly wetting the soil, so as not to have dried roots. In the early spring container with agapanthus exhibited in a sunny place and begin to regularly watered, and then feed .Agapanthus transplanted in the spring : young potted - annually , mature plants in containers - 2-3 years old large specimens at least - in 4-5 years. Agapanthus planted in the nutrient mixture of clay and turf, humus , leaf soil and sand in the ratio ( 2:2:1:1 ) . During the active growing season agapanthus from April to October each decade has been systematically feeding ( alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers ) , promotes good growth and abundant flowering.
Agapanthus propagated by division of rhizomes , seeds . Sowing seeds for seedlings is usually held in March. Agapanthus can divide the rhizomes after flowering or when transplanting , it is important to take care of during the division of damage fleshy roots. Seating division and too overgrown roots in the garden ( at a distance of about half a meter apart) carried out in March and April, and mulching the soil around the plants after planting.


Abutilon blooms profusely and continuously wonderful flowers of various colors , has a magnificent crown of delicate downy leaves, but unpretentious , and he is well propagated , is growing rapidly, but it is easy to care - for all these qualities abutilon love and growers . Leaves abutilon , increasing humidity, can improve the microclimate in the room.
Abutilon (Abutilon) - genus of annual and perennial plants in the family Malvaceae . More than 150 species of this genus are distributed in the tropics and subtropics , and this grass , shrubs or small trees. Derived from plants growing in the nature of coarse fiber used for the production of ropes and other woven products , abutilon given a second name - " Kanatnikov ."
As a houseplant most common are : abutilon Sellova (A. sellovianum) and its varieties with striped leaves ; abutilon Amazon (A. megopotanicum), abundantly blooming almost all year ; abutilon hybrid (A. hybridum), obtained by crossing different species. In the indoor environment is also grown abutilon Indian with cream flowers, abutilon vinogradnolistny with pink flowers, ampelnoe abutilon Brazilian , etc.
Room abutilon refers to growing plants kadochnym , it may soon become closely on the windowsill and take free placement . It is an evergreen tree or shrub up to 1.5 meters, with a fairly large leaves and drooping flowers , lanterns on long stalks that decorate the crown of leaves from early spring to late fall (and sometimes all year round ) . Pointed soft leaves with irregularly shaped blade , serrated edges , resembling the outline maple , gave abutilon third name - the " room maple ." There are many varieties of abutilon with green , golden- mottled , variegated leaves, with a variety of flower color , with varying height and compact crown . Abutilon bell-shaped flowers with numerous stamens and pistil longer be simple and terry with bright petals of the corolla : white, golden , orange , pink, red , burgundy .
Abutilon love of light , but does not tolerate rapid movement of a bright light. Sapling abutilon useful in the summer to fresh air in the garden or on the balcony by going for it is protected from the wind semidarkness . In hot weather it is recommended spraying the crown. In favorable conditions, abutilon gives a big boost over the summer .
Abutilon need much water from March to August (when drying of the substrate abutilon losing leaves and buds ) . When watering a must remove from the pan leaked water. Very moderately watered abutilon from September to February ( only need a slight moistening the rootball ) , over- watering also leads to " Falling Leaves" . Winters abutilon in a bright cool place , the optimum temperature of 10-14 degrees and it is important to avoid contact with direct sunlight . In winter spraying is conducted periodically abutilon crown .
In the spring , before the period of active vegetation pruning shoots abutilon necessary ( from third to two thirds of their length , depending on the plant crown ) . Pruning is necessary for the formation of a compact and beautiful crown of a rich and long flowering abutilon . Since the beginning of the growth of young shoots abutilon provide a warm and humid content . To enhance branching of young shoots pinch out the tops .
Every spring abutilon transplanted into a pot only slightly greater than the former , because the abundant flowering occurs only if the earthen room well entwined roots. Abutilon needs nutritionally dense substrate , composed of a mixture of clay turf, humus , sand and leaf soil in ( 2:1:1:0,5 ) suitable ready Soils " Palma " . Abutilon fed complete mineral fertilizer and slurry from March to August 2 times a month ( for undernutrition lower leaves fall off ) .
Grades abutilon with green leaves are propagated by seeds and cuttings , variegated varieties - only cuttings. Sown in spring in a warm substrate ( 22 degrees ) , the seeds germinate abutilon together . Seedlings grow quickly , so they rolled over into a larger pot 2-3 times over the summer. Propagation by cuttings may abutilon throughout the year , but faster rooted herbaceous cuttings with remote buds in the spring, and semilignified cuttings - in August. Cuttings rooted in sand or a mixture of peat and sand ( 1:1) " mini teplichke " soil with warm (22-25 ° C) .
On the soft leaves abutilon often attack pests: aphids, scale insects , spider mites . Scale insects must be carefully removed from the leaves of a cotton swab . If the pest is small, plant sprayed with soapy solution or tobacco . Since ancient times in Russia fought against pests abutilon infusion of sorrel , tree spraying every 10 days to complete disappearance of pests. With a large defeat for the treatment of pests abutilon use insecticide (for example , a solution aktellikom : 2 ml per liter of water

lush azalea

Azalea or rhododendron, of the heath family is rightfully one of the most ornamental shrubs that adorn the house of bright blooms in the darkest time of the year and surprised by the abundance of flowers, behind which sometimes can not see the leaves. Flowering species and varieties native to China , Japan , Southeast Asia, Europe and North America. Funnel-shaped flowers - white, pink , crimson , bright red - solid-color or two-color - in racemes or corymbose . The most valuable are varieties originating from the Indian species of rhododendron and rhododendron Sims , large flowers blooming in winter to the spring. In the Japanese azalea flowers are small, it blooms in April , sometimes at Christmas. In eastern countries cultivated azaleas as favorite flowering plants for a long time , their flowers - a symbol of joy , peace and freedom.
With good care azaleas are becoming every year more and more beautiful. After flowering should be cut all the faded flowers and stems thickened (caution: rhododendrons may contain toxic chemicals !) . Pruning shoots need some time in the early summer to form a lush bush . Also, pinch back shoots produced immediately before or during flowering.
Azaleas love the light to partial shade , but can not stand the sun. Allow it cool (in the autumn and winter of 5-10 degrees for ripening buds , buds swelling at 18 degrees) and plenty of fresh air , from early May can be kept outdoors in partial shade . Watering with soft water , avoiding over-drying or waterlogged ground. In the summer of abundant watering , fall to reduce the formation of buds watering . In the spring and summer spray . In summer, once a month put the pot for a short time in a bucket of water , wait for draining excess water and put in place the same way as he stood on the window ( Label the pot with tape ) , or change position relative to the light can cause leaf fall .
Young plants are transplanted each year , old every 2-3 years in the land of rhododendron ( or prepare a mixture of peat, sod of earth and sand in the ratio 5:1:1 ) , the plants do not tolerate lime. When transplanting azaleas not want to break the root ball ( as on the roots are beneficial soil fungi) , instead of the transplant is recommended reloading with fresh substrate. From late February until August 2 times a month fertilize flower fertilizer without lime , or add to the water rhododendron fertilizer low concentration.
A too high temperature and dry air azalea mite infestation that may lead to yellowing and defoliation . Spider mites or red spider - a very small sucking insects on the underside of the leaf forms a weave of thin white strands. Wash the leaves of the plant running water from the shower , covering the ground with plastic wrap , and have a drug treatment leaves until no pests. Processing chemicals because of their toxicity is undesirable in a residential area , so prepare and use drugs from plants: decoctions and infusions of tobacco, onions, garlic, pepper , yarrow , calendula , etc. Increase the frequency of spraying is not only the plant itself , but also the space around it. Humidity can be raised using an electric humidifier , and placed next to the plant wide, flat pan with water.
Azaleas are suitable for creating bonsai , but keep in mind that the barrel a bit brittle and with gentle flexing his arms to maintain . Autumn groomed azaleas give the desired shape ( or polukaskadnuyu metelochnuyu ) and transplanted into the pot for bonsai
We used to call fluffy yellow mimosa flowers that are sold on March 8 . In fact , this is not a mimosa and acacia, silver ( which belongs to the family Mimozovye , hence the confusion ) . And one of the species of mimosa grown as a houseplant , it is called mimosa shy .
Mimosa shy gets its name because of its delicate leaves are added and omitted from the lightest touch , and other external stimuli. Birthplace of the ornamental evergreen shrub - subtropics of South America.
Despite the fact that at first glance seems very shy mimosa delicate plant, care for her at home is not too difficult. This is a heat-loving plant , so from March to November to maintain the air temperature within 20-24 degrees, and in winter you can reduce it to 16-18 degrees.
Mimosa shy loves bright sunlight , unlike many light-loving plants, it can even be exposed to direct sunlight. But if you recently bought a mimosa (or if long time was cloudy weather) , the plant should be taught to the direct sun gradually. It is better to put a mimosa in a well- ventilated area , not in a draft .
In spring and summer, water mimosa need abundant and regular, winter need only make sure that the ground all the time was a little wet. During the growing season can feed your mimosa liquid fertilizer every two weeks , adding it to the water .
Replant mimosa is not recommended - no need to worry at this plant is not necessary. If it does change is necessary, the method of handling a mimosa transplanted into a larger pot , so as not to disturb the earth com . At the bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage . The optimum composition of the soil - a mixture of equal parts of the turf , sand , peat, leaf mold .
If you create favorable conditions shy mimosa will delight you with its beautiful fluffy pink- lilac flowers about 4 months. In the winter mimosa can be lost - this plant is sensitive to the lack of light and moisture. Therefore, it is often grown as an annual. But if after flowering crop tops of the shoots , as well as additional cover a mimosa in the winter season , it will help extend its life .
Mimosa shy afraid of such vermin as the green apple aphid , spider mite and mealybug . By aphids and mites help the special drugs, and scale insects in the defeat to remove parasites with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and then process the plant with special preparations .
We must remember that mimosa shy and afraid to tobacco smoke reacts to it dropping leaves. Do not get too often to touch a leaf of mimosas - of course they are very fun to develop, but the benefit to them is not. If you touch a mimosa too often , it will die of exhaustion of energy reserves . Mimosa shy toxic to animals, so do not let it to your pets !
Propagated shy mimosa seeds. They can be bought at a flower shop or gather himself after flowering mimosa . Sow seeds of mimosa shy in late February - early March.
Take the same mixture as for the transplant ( turf ground , ground sheet , peat and sand in equal proportions) . The substrate should be moist and spongy, fertilizers are not needed. Do not forget the drain. After sowing, cover with foil and place the box in a warm place.
Mimosa shy needs bright light , high temperature ( 20-26 ° C) and humidity ( 70-85 %) for normal growth . If you have created favorable conditions for a week or two shoots will appear . Make them into individual pots and place on a well-lit windowsill.
Mimosa shy - very beautiful plant . Particularly fond of her children for the unusual ability to fold the leaves . If you provide good conditions and it will not be too often " stick ", it is not a one-year blooms will delight you .